Faculty Of Science - Department of Botany

Dr. R. K. Dwivedi

Dr. R. K. Dwivedi is Assistant Professor and Head in Department of Botany. He has 09 years teaching and research experience in various universities and institutes. He has published 13 research papers in reputed National and International Journals. His paper earned certificate of merit as best paper award in 38th Annual Botanical Conference held at Jaipur. He has specialization in Phycology and Structural Plant Biology. He is the life member of various professional bodies.

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Dr. D.C. Bebni

Dr. D.C. Bebni is Assistant Professor in Department of Botany. He has 10 years of teaching experience and published 3 research papers and one book. He has specialization in Ethnobotany.

Dr. Pawanika Chandola

Dr. Pawanika Chandola is guest faculty in Department of Botany. She has 8 research papers to her credit. She has 1 year of teaching experience and 3 years of Post Doctoral research experience. She was awarded Young Scientist Award in 8th Uttarakhand Congress of Science in 2013. She has specialization in Plant Physiology and Plant Biotechnology.

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